Car Accident to do List!

At some point in our lives we experience a car accident. There are approximately 5.5 million auto accidents in the US per year. 3.8 million people are injured as a result of collisions. A high number of people deal with the fall out of car accidents. Whether large or small, they are never fun! The process after an accident can be another source of stress! Typically, we ask ourselves the following questions: Should I call the police? Should I call my insurance agent? Should I file a claim? Should I take notes?
At Doyle Insurance we want to make sure that we make the process easier for you.
Just follow these steps:
Check for Injuries: Determine if you or anyone else in the car is hurt; call 911 if there’s any doubt
Get Safe: If possible, move the car(s) to a safe location away from the main roadway.
Call for Help: Notify the police of the accident if they don’t show up on their own.
Take Notes: Be sure to get the name, contact and insurance information of the other person(s) involved in the crash.
Start your Claim: As soon as possible, notify your insurance company of what happened.
If you would prefer, contact us and we will walk you through the claims process. At Doyle Insurance client satisfaction and service is the number one reason we’re in business. We’re here to help. Please call or reach out through our website with any questions you might have.
Sean Doyle