When clients shop for home insurance, they are typically not searching for just one type of coverage but possibly several different varieties. Homeowners insurance, renters insurance, and condo insurance are all included with the category of home insurance. Regardless of whether you own the property or whether you are renting the property it is still critical for you to protect yourself against losses. You may be very surprised by the range of prices available for home insurance quotes. At Doyle we make sure we are providing you with the best coverage from the top carriers. We will compare all the best policy options for you.
A homeowner’s policy is for people who own their own home. This may be either a house or a condominium. If you are making payments on the home with ownership as the end goal you will need homeowners insurance. This type of policy will cover both the outside of the home and all the contents of your home. It will cover the majority of natural disasters and will allow you to rebuild damaged property. If your home is vandalized and items are stolen your insurance helps to replace stolen items and pay for any damage or vandalism.
Renters insurance includes the inner contents of the home, apartment, or room that you are renting. This coverage is primarily for break-ins, natural disasters, fires, and other circumstances beyond your control. Even though your landlord has a homeowner’s policy on the place you are living, it does not cover your personal items as a renter. This is why renters insurance is essential. At Doyle Insurance, we understand the importance of protecting our clients under any circumstance. We make sure that you think about renters insurance as essential during transitional parts of your life. Nothing is more devastating than losing personal property while renting.