Auto Insurance is a complicated matter. Many people have an insurance policy but do not exactly understand how they are covered or what they will do if they find themselves in the position of needing to utilize their insurance. The commercial brokers at Doyle Insurance are here to help you.
Auto insurance includes the following:
Collision Coverage: This is the basic insurance type that covers your vehicle if you collide, or run into, something. This covers collisions with other cars as well as if you were to run into a wall, barrier or bridge. Just one accident can cause not only injury but out of pocket expenses. Doyle brokers ensure that you are protected.
Comprehensive Coverage: This covers anything that may happen to your car that is not directly related to a collision. This would include things such as theft, fire, hitting a deer or vandalism. How many times have you been in a parking lot and been the victim of damage to your auto without knowing how the damage occurred. Doyle highly recommends comprehensive coverage.
Liability Coverage: This type of coverage covers the damages when you are at fault in an accident and you damage someone else’s car or property. Liability coverage is often mandated by law, so it is important that you have an adequate amount by law. At Doyle insurance, we understand the laws and can protect you with the appropriate liability coverage.
Medical Payments: This is also called PIP in some states. Medical payments pay for any injuries to the driver or passengers that occur if an accident occurred while you were driving. Medical payment insurance varies from state to state, so Doyle makes certain you are covered appropriately.